The equality of rights and of the sexes, and respect for others were at the heart of the project carried out by Les Nouveaux Caractères around "Nozze di Figaro" – Mozart's flagship work – which took place at the Tourette Highschool in the 4th arrondissement of Lyon from January to May 2019. 46 hours of mediation led by Caroline Mutel and Sébastien d'Hérin with the focus to discover classic works, to have thirty students of a 4th grade class work on writing and on the theme of equality, meet show business professionals, build a show from start to finish.
An opera inspired by Mozart, with a libretto written by the class, led by Mrs. Boëté, French teacher and Caroline Mutel, the musical part being worked on with Mr. Beaulieu, music education teacher and Sébastien D’Hérin.
Restitution concert of May 17, 2019.
Discover the works ("Le Mariage de Figaro" or "La Folle Journée" by Beaumarchais in French class, and "Le Nozze di Figaro" by Mozart in musical education class)
Write a play by replacing Mozart's recitatives with a story from today, on the theme of equality between girls and boys
Meet live performance professionals: Les Nouveaux Caractères
Build a complete show